Hello friends in this post today I'm tell u how to creat blog on Google in free .
This time is internet time and in all world people connected with internet and I know you know already what is internet and how to use it .
Many people creat blog or website on internet and share his own knowledge with world .
Many people know how to creat blog on Google but some people don't now how to create blog on Google . So let's start how to create blog and website on Google.
This time is internet time and in all world people connected with internet and I know you know already what is internet and how to use it .
Many people creat blog or website on internet and share his own knowledge with world .
Many people know how to creat blog on Google but some people don't now how to create blog on Google . So let's start how to create blog and website on Google.
First of all i tell you what is the difference in blog and website .
By website you are grow your business online
And by blog you share your knowledge online .
So this is the difference in blog and website but both are same work .
By website you are grow your business online
And by blog you share your knowledge online .
So this is the difference in blog and website but both are same work .
So back aging on our topic how to create free blog / website on Google .
So first of all you need one gmail account and you don't know what is gmail and how to create gmail account so read our below post .
What is gmail and how to create gmail account .
And the next step is open your chrome browser and login with your gmail account.
And then go to search box and write here
And then go to search box and write here
Next step is click on signing and login with your gmail account .
For your information blogger.com is an google blog creating platform .
For your information blogger.com is an google blog creating platform .
If you login with your gmail account and the next page show like below image .
1. Click here on create new blog
2. In first box write your blog title like global net tips .
3. In second box type your blog url like globalnettips after type your blog url type with your blog url . Blogspot.com like globalnettips.blogspot.com
For your kind information I tell you this is free blog creating platform so .blogspot.com is added automatically . if you remove blogspot so you need buy domain I get you full information in next post .
4. The fourth step is choose one template / theme for your blog .
5. And the last step is click here on creat blog .
Congratulations now your blog is created and now you click on view blog and see your blog and click on new post and write your post .
Happy blogging